Your site is being created.

Within a few minutes you will receive an email with log-in details.
If you do not receive it please check your SPAM folder.


At this moment it is not possible to create the site.
Please try again after a few hours.

Create your site

Between 2 and 32 lowercase letters or numbers.
No spaces, symbols or accents.

Teach with us

Gnomio is a free hosting service where you can use Moodle™, the most popular training tool in the world.

If you are an educator here you can create your own online learning community.

In a few minutes you can have your virtual classroom active, with your own subdomain, secure access, complete administration privileges and totally free.

1.418.616 Users
120.893 Courses

Terms of Service

We do not sell your data to anyone. We do not send any unsolicited email. You can request the deletion of your site at any time.

You cannot sell our hosting, but you can sell the access to your own courses.

If you are using our free hosting then your site must comply with Google AdSense content policies.

Any abuse of our resources, the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted content, hacking practices, spamming, and any other illegal activities are prohibited.

We reserve the right to shut down any site hosted on our servers for such activities or for posting any content that we may deem inappropriate.

This is a service mainly aimed at small schools and institutions in emerging or developing countries.

Gnomio uses Moodle™ software but is not affiliated with Moodle Pty Ltd.

If you wish, you can read our privacy policy.

Shared Hosting Plus

$9.95 / month or $109.95 / year

  • 1000 registered users
  • 100 concurrent users
  • 100 courses
  • 10 GB of SSD storage New!
  • 1 GB upload file size limit New!
  • Priority email support
  • No ads on your site
  • ClamAV Antivirus
  • Recycle bin
  • Access to Web Services
  • Simple Global search
  • Moodle™ Stats
  • Can use official Moodle™ App
  • Can install plugins or themes
  • Can use custom domain
  • Unoconv Document converter

Premium Virtual Server

$59.95 / month or $659.95 / year

Prices shown are USD and do not include possible local taxes. Payment methods supported in most countries are credit card and PayPal. In many countries, it is possible to pay using your local currency.
Payments are processed by our partner Paddle. If you need a hosting plan with more capacity, please contact us mentioning the required resources.

Closures, deactivations and deletions

If you use our free plan and your site does not comply with its limits, it will automatically be put into maintenance mode. If the violation is repeated frequently, the site will be deleted without further notice. You can check your compliance on the notifications page in the administration area of your site.

Unused sites hosted in our free service will be automatically disabled after one month without any valid access or only one week if the site is considered empty (No courses have been created and no new users have been added).

Disabled sites will be permanently and irreversibly deleted from our backups three months later.

We do not send notifications of site deactivations or deletions.


Just for disaster recovery we run full system backups instead of internal Moodle™ backups. They are not intended to fix user mistakes.

You can (and you must) manually create and download backups of each of your courses.

If you are a paying user it is possible to activate automatic backups of your Moodle™ courses, but we have to warn you that they are very space consuming.


For security reasons, in our basic shared hosting it is not possible to install your own themes and plugins nor to access the database or file system.

Only users who have purchased their own virtual or physical server can install plugins in their Moodle™ site (Under their responsibility).

Help and support

There is a vibrant online community of Moodle™ users who respond to each other's queries. Also you may check the official docs or some books.

We do not offer training services.

If you think you have an issue with the hosting of your site you can email us at

We will try to answer you within 24 hours.

If you mention that you are a paying user your messages will have priority attention.

We do not provide support directly to the students. Only to the site administrator/creator.

Don't forget to mention your site name.